Matt Damon – Stella Artois Commercial 2016
Title: Buy a Lady a Drink
About – Matt Damon stars in a new commercial for Stella Artois.
MSG – What do you wanna be remembered for?
A glass of water. Is one of the simplest things to some of us. But for many it’s one of the most complicated.
Every day women around the world spend millions of hours just collecting it. But we can help change that.
We can help give them this time back.
Stella Artois has partnered with us and Water.org to help provide access to clean water to women and their families
in the developing world. And with access to clean water comes so much more.
Together we can help empower them to live a life that can prosper.
It’s something we should all have the right to do. So with your support we can be the generation remembered for ending the global water crisis once and for all.
What do you wanna be remembered for?